Christmas in July at Care Resources: Nonprofit Seeks Donations for Community Members 55 Years and Older

We received the following press release from Care Resources.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 24, 2024 – Care Resources, a community-based program that promotes healthy and independent living while working to prevent nursing home placement, is collecting a variety of donations for people 55 years and older.

The organization is in need of items such as personal hygiene products, activity books and household essentials for participants. Donations will go toward the nonprofit’s Bingo Store, which allows bingo winners to “shop” for basic care products and other fun items, as well as holiday gift bags for participants this winter.

“Access to these everyday items mean the world to our participants, who are often on a very limited income,” said Karen Altom, Care Resources’ office manager who oversees the annual holiday bag initiative. “Such donations not only ensure participants have the essentials they need but can also bring them such joy.”

Care Resources is a Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, or PACE®, which is funded by Medicare and Medicaid to provide affordable medical care and home health services to eligible older adults. The program also offers opportunities that promote socialization, build community and offer respite to caregivers.

Participants who have a Bridge Card or receive other assistance often face restrictions on what they may purchase, including household essentials like batteries, shampoo and conditioner, as well as recreational items such as crossword and word search books. Altom says the Bingo Store helps fill that need while offering a fun experience.

“Shopping is an activity that many of us love but may take for granted,” Altom explained. “Many of our participants no longer have the ability to get out and shop on their own. Being able to ‘purchase’ items from our store by using their bingo bucks is something they truly look forward to.

“We’re asking our community to consider making a donation this summer to support our participants and help us keep our Bingo Store stocked.”

In addition to the Bingo Store, Care Resources collects donations so every participant can receive a gift during the holidays. The initiative started 15 years ago by taking donated dollars from staff and doing one big shopping spree for items. The program has since expanded to include community donations, with 90% of the gifts being filled by donated items.

While donations are accepted year-round, most come in at year-end when people are more in the giving spirit. This the first time the organization has done a formal call for donations in summer. The Christmas in July initiative underscores the need for donations year-round.

More donations will be needed to ensure the Bingo Store remains stocked at both locations and all who would like a holiday gift can receive one this winter.

“We have grown so much in the last few years that we are now providing 375 holiday bags for our participants,” Altom said. “Participants so look forward to this gift every year and start asking in November if Care Resources is planning to put something together for them again. Some hold onto their gift bag and wait weeks to open it just to have something special to open on Christmas Day.

“With your donation, Care Resources can improve the quality of life for our participants and enhance their experience while in our program.”

Altom’s goal for this year is to fill 425 holiday bags for participants. A list of suggested items include:

  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Bar soap and body wash
  • Laundry, dish and hand soap
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Denture adhesive, cleaner tablets and containers
  • Eye glass cleaner
  • Toilet paper and paper towels
  • Large tissue boxes
  • Large-print word searches and adult coloring books
  • Coloring pencils, pens and crayons
  • Playing cards
  • Lip gloss or balm
  • Sport and dress socks
  • Hair accessories
  • Cologne and perfume
  • Packs of flavored water or individual flavor packets
  • Shaving cream and aftershave
  • AA batteries
  • Back scratcher

Individuals may donate through the nonprofit’s Amazon Wishlist or drop off donations at the following locations during business hours:

Care Resources – 4150 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Sabo PR – 44 Cesar E. Chavez Ave. SW, Suite 300, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Tax-deductible monetary donations are also accepted. More information is available at

About Care Resources

Care Resources is a community-based program for people 55 years or older that promotes healthy, independent living and helps prevent nursing home placement. The Care Resources team of healthcare professionals works with older adults and their families to develop a comprehensive care plan — helping participants to make medical decisions every step of the way. For more information, visit

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