Elmdale Residents Concerned about Planned Cell Tower

Head east from Alto on 64th Street, and you’ll run into Elmdale. Located on the borders of Kent and Ionia Counties and the Lakewood Public Schools and Lowell Area Schools districts, this unincorporated community is made up of approximately 30 homes. Those homes are clustered around the Elmdale Church of the Nazarene, and residents say a decision by the church is poised to change their whole way of life.

The church has apparently contracted with TowerCo 2013 LLC to allow the construction of a 255-foot cell tower on its property. Calls to Elmdale Church of the Nazarene and TowerCo 2013 LLC for this story went unanswered.

“To be clear, this community is not against the church,” says Paul Seese, who lives two houses down from the church on Drew Rd. “It’s the cell tower being directly in the center of 30 residences.”

Seese says residents were never notified of the church’s intention to place a cell tower on its property and only learned about the plan when a neighbor saw a public notice published in the Ionia Sentinel-Standard newspaper. Residents have concerns about health, property values and a change in their quality of life and say they only want the chance to discuss these issues with church leadership. However, the church has not been receptive to meeting with them as of yet.

Concerns about Health, Property and Quality of Life

Lowell’s First Look met with a half dozen Elmdale residents who shared concerns about the cell tower that include declining property values and the aesthetics of a large cell tower in the middle of their community. However, foremost on their minds is the possibility of a cell tower adversely affecting their health and that of their loved ones.

The American Cancer Society has said online there is no proven link between cancer and exposure to the radiofrequency (RF) signals emitted by cell towers. However, Seese points out the organization also says limited research has been completed on the subject, and one study cited by the American Cancer Society article found children who lived in a town where they could have been exposed to RF radiation from a cell tower have a slightly higher risk of cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also classifies RF fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans.

For Elmdale residents, there is too much uncertainty to justify placing a cell tower so close to their homes. “We’re not willing to be the guinea pigs,” says resident John McClure. He notes that Sprint removed a cell tower last year from beside a California school after four children there developed cancer. And while some people tell him it’s no different than using a cell phone, McClure responds, “When I pick up my phone, it doesn’t affect my neighbor.”

While the impact of cell towers on human health is up for debate, it is more certain that they can disorient wildlife such as migratory birds. The presence of a tower in a community can also adversely affect property sales, according to one study. The National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy surveyed 1,000 people in 2014 and found 94% of respondents said the presence of a cell tower or antenna would make them less interested in a property. What’s more, 79% said they would never under any circumstances purchase or rent a home within a few blocks of a cell tower or antenna.

Less tangible is the affect the cell tower will have on the community itself. One resident noted that a beautiful view a reason many people choose to live in a rural area, and a cell tower dominating the skyline would ruin that aspect of country living.

Residents: Other Sites Available to Church

A view of the proposed cell tower location and surrounding homes. Courtesy of Paul Seese

Residents have little recourse to stop the cell tower since Campbell Township, where they live, does not have a zoning ordinance. In zoned communities, only specified uses are allowed in certain areas, and anything outside those may need a special use permit. However, in unzoned townships, property owners can use their land for almost any purpose without restriction.

That leaves neighbors to try to work out a solution with the pastor and board at Elmdale Church of the Nazarene. “There are options if they would sit down and talk about it,” Seese says.

Residents believe there are three site options for the cell tower. In addition to the church property, two church board members apparently own land where the tower could be located. If placed there, an agreement could be made to ensure that the church receives the proceeds, Seese suggests.

While neighbors don’t begrudge the church for wanting to bring in revenue, they are distressed by the secrecy behind the cell tower. They wonder if TowerCo and other companies purposely target cash-strapped churches and schools and pressure them into signing contracts without consulting with their congregation or community members first.

Elmdale residents have set up a Facebook group and an online petition regarding the proposed tower. Seese also did an informal canvas of all the neighboring homes and found no resident in favor of the cell tower and only one who was neutral on the issue. He hopes the church will change its position and agree to meet with residents to reach a compromise on the tower’s placement. Seese adds, “We’re not the enemy.”


  1. Please help us stop the CELL TOWER IN ELMDALE. Call the FCC and voice your complaint. I called today and spoke to a very nice person that said she would write this up and send in to be reviewed.
    Everyone needs to make a call and ask that the FCC reviews the tower application for
    Registration #1313848. Call toll free 1-888-225-5322 select #1 for English and then #1. Explain to them that this tower is too close to people’s homes and that many farmers have land away from homes.

    • Each person has their own opinions of what they read and hear about the dangers of living close to cell towers. For every article you read saying cell towers cause health issues you can find one that that says they are harmless. There are so many things that we live with each day that are out of our control what is the harm having a voice in those things that we do have some control of. I personally know of one person that has passed from cancer and one that now has cancer, both being diagnosed 5-6 years after a tower was built by their home. We humans often think advancing at the fastest pace is best. However……

      We have created opioids for to stop pain – now we have an addiction.
      We discovered coal and used it to become industrialized – now we have pollution
      We discovered sugar – now we have alcohol and diabetes
      We began giving cattle antibiotic – now human are becoming antibiotic resistant
      We created roundup – now we are all eating pesticides

      In the case of the article that Joe refers to saying that the carcinogens in the soil and water were not caused from the tower, it was caused from something that could have been avoided.
      In the article below it states: “The safe distance from a mobile phone tower is not an objective answer. There are multiple factors that affect mobile radiation intensity. As a thumb rule, anyone in 150 meter radius could be under risk”

      150 meters = 492 feet. The cell tower they are proposing to build is about 250-300 feet from 2 homes. One home is the Pastor and he can leave anytime he wants. The other home is a private residence that was not consulted or notified of the proposed cell tower.


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