Free Brush Pick-Up for City of Lowell Residents Next Week

We received the following notice from the City of Lowell:

The City of Lowell Public Works in conjunction with Lowell Light and Power will perform a Brush Pickup Program during the week of May 1 through May 5. One pass will be made through the City. If you wish to participate, please have your brush alongside of your street prior to the start of pickup.

To facilitate timely pick-ups, the length of the limbs and branches should be left as long as possible. Whole limbs chip up much better than small, cut up pieces. Please spread out your pile of brush evenly alongside the roadway, with cut ends of branches and limbs facing the same direction. Please limit pile size to 4 feet in height and 8 feet in depth.

Tangled piles of limbs or branches placed haphazardly may not be picked up.

If a tree trimming service or lawn service takes down, trims or prunes your tree, the service company must also remove the branches and debris. The city will not remove debris or branches left by tree removal companies or lawn service contractors.

We cannot accept: bagged material, lawn clippings, vine/thorn/thistle material, root balls, construction material, landscape timbers, railroad ties or material larger than 6 inches in diameter.

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