Scenes from Lowell: Fall Harvest Edition

This week, we’re looking at some of the signs of the autumn season.

A  sunset shining through a hopyard, is one example of the beauty harvest season brings.

Waking up to crisp cool air is a reminder that fall is upon us. It’s time to work fall floral varieties into your garden. Fall garden mums are a tradition and favorite of many. Although many plant mums only in the fall for that final splash of color, try planting a few in the coming spring.   There will be a better chance for winter survival into the new year if their roots have time to establish.


Heidi’s Farmstand and Bakery has a beautiful variety of gourds.   After picking up a few on your way home from work, take a moment to browse some crafty projects on Pinterest to get ready for the holidays.


Large hard shelled gourds can be artfully crafted into birdhouses or a lantern for Halloween.

The kids will be excited to pick a Pumpkins. Make sure to roast the seeds, a welcome treat every year.

The cornfield maze is open at Heidi’s Farmstand & Bakery.

Of course there is this little guy hanging out at the edge of the garden.   Anyone know what he is?



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