
We look forward to working with you to get information out to the community of Lowell through advertising, announcements, and classifieds.

Whether you have an established or new business, we can help you reach thousands of people on a daily basis.  During the month, each  advertiser will also receive at least one post on the following social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – promoting your business.  Your banner, skyscraper, or business card sized ad will also be seen daily on our website and when clicked, visitors will be directed to a website of your choice.  All we need is an image to use for your ad!

If you are interested in publishing an announcement with us, they will remain on our website and can be found filed under the appropriate category.  A link to your announcement can easily be sent to friends and family.  See our announcement information page for additional information.


Additionally, we can help your business or organization in ways other than advertising.

4 Ways to Share Your Business on Lowell’s First Look

Business Profile: It’s our goal to profile as many Lowell businesses as possible. If we haven’t written about your business yet, let us know! We’d love to share with readers information about your history, mission and products.

Press Release: Do you have an event coming up or a business announcement to share? Send us a press release! Depending on the topic and our editorial calendar, we publish some press releases as submitted. If we decide the topic merits a full article, we’ll be in touch for further information.

Guest Article: If you have expertise in particular area, we invite you to share your knowledge with readers in a guest article. These articles provide valuable information to readers while providing you with a byline and link back to your business. You write the article, but we reserve the right to edit for length and clarity if needed. Examples of guest articles could be “5 Fashion Trends to Watch for the Summer Season” or “How to Get Your House Prepped for a Quick Sale.” Topics must be approved in advance, and guest contributors are limited to one article per month.

Sponsored Article: Use a sponsored articles when you have a specific message you want to convey to readers. You select the topic, we write the article and you get to approve it prior to publication. The best sponsored articles are often informational in nature (such as guest articles) but integrate information about your product or service. This approach is more likely to be shared by readers or found via search engines. However, sponsored articles can also be promotional (i.e. announcing a new product line). We reserve the right to decline any sponsored article that does not align with our site’s core values.

Business Profile


Press Release Guest Article Sponsored Article
Content Type Informational Newsworthy Informational Informational




Once As Appropriate Monthly Unlimited
Who Writes?


We do You do You do We do


At our discretion At our discretion At our discretion Guaranteed
Do you get to review prior to publication?


No Yes* Yes Yes
Cost Free Free Free $100

(Discounts available)

*Press releases may be published as submitted, or we may choose to write a longer article about an event or announcement. In that case, the article is treated as any other news article and not shared prior to publication.