Government meetings take place on a regular schedule. Some non-profit organizations also have regular events throughout the month. On this page, we share information about ongoing events that are not highlighted on our events calendar. Use the quick links below to jump to a section of this page.
On this page:
City of Lowell Meetings
Lowell Charter Township Meetings
Vergennes Township Meetings
Lowell Area Schools
Lowell’s Open Table
Flat River Outreach Ministries
Kent District Library Events
Senior Neighbors Events
City of Lowell Meetings
Visit the City of Lowell website for more information about what the City has to offer. For a complete list of City of Lowell boards and commissions and when they meet, visit the City’s website here. Please check the City’s website if you plan on attending a meeting to ensure it is still taking place.
For information about all City of Lowell boards and commissions go to this page on the City’s website, which includes an application if you are interested in filling a vacant seat.
City Council Meetings
These meetings take place on the first and third Monday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are held on the second floor of City Hall located at 301 East Main Street. View our recaps of meetings here.
Planning Commission Meetings
These meetings take place on the second Monday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are held on the second floor of City Hall located at 301 East Main Street. View our recaps of meetings here.
Lowell Light & Power Board Meetings
These meetings take place on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm. Meetings are held at 127 N. Broadway unless otherwise noted.
Downtown Development Authority Meetings
These meetings usually take place on the first Thursday after the first City Council meeting of the month. Meetings are held at City Hall located at 301 East Main Street.
Airport Board
These meetings take place on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are held at the Lowell Airport located at 730 Lincoln Lake.
Parks and Recreation Commission
These meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month. Meeting locations vary. Check the City website for location each month.
Lowell Area Recreation Authority
The Lowell Area Recreation Authority was created through a cooperative agreement with the City of Lowell, Lowell Charter Township and Vergennes Township. Meetings take place on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held on the second floor of City Hall located at 301 East Main Street.
Lowell Area Fire & Emergency Services Authority
The Lowell Area Fire and Emergency Services Authority governs the Lowell Area Fire Department through a cooperative agreement among the City of Lowell, Lowell Charter Township and Vergennes Township. Meetings take place the second Thursday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are held at the Lowell Area Fire Department located at 315 S. Hudson.
Lowell Charter Township Meetings
Visit the Lowell Charter Township website for more information about what Lowell Charter Township has to offer. For a complete list of boards and commissions and when they meet, visit the township’s website here. Please check the township’s website if you plan on attending a meeting to ensure it is still taking place.
Lowell Charter Township Board Meetings
These meetings take place on the third Monday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are held at the Lowell Charter Township Hall located at 2910 Alden Nash.
Lowell Charter Township Planning Commission Meetings
These meetings take place on the second Monday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are held at the Lowell Charter Township Hall located at 2910 Alden Nash.
Vergennes Township Meetings
Visit the Vergennes Township website for more information about what Vergennes Township has to offer. For a complete list of boards and commissions and when they meet, visit the township’s website here. Please check the township’s website if you plan on attending a meeting to ensure it is still taking place.
Vergennes Township Board Meetings
These meetings take place on the third Monday of each month at 7pm. Meeting are held at the Vergennes Township Hall located at 69 Lincoln Lake.
Vergennes Planning Commission Meetings
These meetings take place on the third Monday in January, May, July, and September at 7pm. Meeting are held at the Vergennes Township Hall located at 69 Lincoln Lake.
Lowell Area Schools
Visit the LAS calendar where you can download the district school year calendar as well as see events happening at each school within the district. The calendar can be sorted by school.
School board meetings take place on the second Monday of each month at 7pm. Work sessions are typically on the fourth Monday of most months at 6pm. These meetings take place either at the administration building or the Lowell Performing Arts Center. Check the Board of Education website to confirm where a meeting is taking place and view the agenda.
Lowell’s Open Table
Every Thursday, Open Table offers a free community meal. Dinner is served each week from 5pm – 7pm at 865 Lincoln Lake. Visit their Facebook page for the week’s menu and other information. Looking to volunteer? Sign up here.
LowellArts has a variety of gallery exhibits throughout the year and various programs for youth and adults. Learn more by clicking on the links below.
Upcoming Exhibits
Youth and Teen Classes
Adult and Teen Classes
Flat River Outreach Ministries
FROM has a variety of events that take place throughout the month including new volunteer orientation, Senior Food Commodities, and Mobile Food Pantry. Visit their calendar here. Below are open times for the Treasures Thrift Store and Food Pantry.
Treasures Thrift Shop – Monday through Friday 10am – 6pm; Saturday 10am – 2pm
Food Pantry – Tuesday 2pm – 4pm; Wednesday 5pm – 7pm; Friday 10am – 12pm
Kent District Library Events
There are numerous events for kids and adults happening at the Englehardt Library and the Alto Library.
Englehardt Library calendar here.
Alto Library calendar here.
Senior Neighbors Events
Senior Neighbors is located at 314 South Hudson. They have events that take place during the week throughout the month. Their schedule is as follows:
• Lunch – Each day – 12:00 pm
• Hand & Foot Card Game – Monday, Wednesday Friday’s – 9:00 am
• Pokeno – Monday’s – 10:30 am
• Exercise at Schneider Manor – Tuesday’s & Thursday’s – 10:30 am
• Bingo – Tuesday’s & Thursday’s – 11:00 am
• Tai-Chi at Schneider Manor – Tuesday’s & Thursday’s – 1:30 pm
• Bible Study – Wednesday’s – 10:45 am
• Bus to Meijer – Wednesday’s – 12:45 pm
• Advisory Council – 1st Monday of each month – 10:30 am
For more information about events and services, visit their website here.