Longtime Seekers Take Home 2024 Riddler of the Year Award

Angie Reedy, Dawn Gable and Lowell Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Shannon Kennedy (l to r)

Dawn Gable and Angie Reedy have been searching for The Lowell Riddler’s hidden medallions for years. However, they didn’t have much luck…until now.

The Dawn and Angie duo cracked three of the five riddles issued this year and have earned the coveted Riddler of the Year honors. They picked up their award this week – a custom trophy and $50 in Lowell Bucks, the latter compliments of the Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce – and shared that they’d had many near misses over the years.

“Sometimes, we’d get frustrated as heck,” Angie said. Not only were the riddles hard, but sometimes, they would learn they were right at the spot where a medallion was later found.

Still, the two carried on, and 2024 was their golden year. They started this year’s riddling season off by solving the April riddle and finding the medallion hidden at the corner of Howard and Riverside Drive.

“I think I had a smile plastered on my face for a week,” Angie said.

For Dawn, a highlight of the riddling experience has been being able to meet so many other people who are out on the hunt. She and Angie would bike around town, getting their exercise while searching for medallions, and regularly ran into other folks doing the same.

“We had so much fun,” Dawn said. “We don’t want (the Riddler) to stop.”

“For me, this is just the icing on the cake,” Angie said of the Riddler of the Year Award. While the prizes are great, the experience is what really makes the riddling memorable. “Even if we don’t find (the medallion), we find neat places we didn’t know about,” she said.

Here’s what Angie had to say to the Riddler in her email after finding the final medallion of the season:

“The Riddler experience has been amazing. We have really enjoyed getting out on the town on our bikes and exploring new areas. Dawn and I love bouncing ideas off each other. We love the “hunt” of it.

We have been doing this now for at least 3 years (Dawn has done it for 4 years). We look forward to it every season and every clue. We have met so many new friends and even turned people on to Lowell’s First Look and the Riddler.

We would love one day to meet the actual Riddler to thank them for all the fun and excitement we’ve had. We hope it continues for years to come.

Hoping to see a surprise Halloween edition again this year – we were just minutes away from finding that one!

Big thanks to the Riddler, Lowell’s First Look, and the Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce for making this such a fun experience for us and the Lowell community!”

Congratulations Angie and Dawn!

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