We received the following press release from Lowell Light & Power.
As a Public Power Utility, Lowell Light & Power strives to provide our community with safe, affordable and reliable electric service. In an effort to determine where our customers feel we do well and where we can improve, we are asking all current LL&P Customers to complete a short survey, available beginning July 1st.
Customers can use the QR code or survey link within the July and August eBills, or by visiting the website www.lowell-light.org. LL&P recognizes that not all customers will be able to complete an online survey, so paper copies of the survey are also available at the office, located at 127 N. Broadway.
“We obtained valuable insight from last year’s customer survey. We implemented changes based on the data and are excited to continue making improvements using feedback gained from the survey this summer,” shared General Manager Charlie West.
To thank our customers for taking time out of their day to share their thoughts, LL&P will hold drawings for Lowell Bucks and Bill Credits. The surveys are confidential, so Lowell Light & Power asks that customers who want to enter the drawings either email us a screenshot of the “Thank you” page at the end of the survey, along with their Name, Address, Phone Number and Account Number, or stop into the office to show it to us.
Surveys must be completed by August 15th, 2024 and the drawings for prizes will be held and announced by Sept. 15th, 2024. Winners will be contacted by phone and email, and first names will be shared on Lowell Light & Power’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
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