Progress Being Made on Lowell’s Splash Pad

The dream of a refreshing splash pad in Lowell is on its way to becoming a reality. Construction of the highly anticipated water feature in North Riverfront Park is set to be completed by late August or early September although it isn’t slated to be operational this year. Instead, the project is on track to bring joy to the community by the summer of 2025.

While the splash pad won’t be ready in time for Lowell’s first-ever Bridgefest, scheduled for August 10, the community’s excitement is palpable. Residents can look forward to a fantastic new spot for summer fun in the heart of Lowell next year.

We recently caught up with Jerry Hale, Lowell Township Supervisor, for an update on the splash pad.

“The project has been a true community effort, with the township and the City of Lowell working together to make it happen,” Hale states. “This partnership will continue as we share the maintenance costs, fostering a unique and exciting relationship that exemplifies the community spirit of Lowell.”

Construction has progressed smoothly, with only minor adjustments needed along the way. The most significant adjustment involved rerouting an irrigation line for Impact Church, which generously deeded a portion of their property adjoining the park to make space for the splash pad. This minor change has been efficiently handled, ensuring the project stays on course.

The splash pad will feature user-activated water elements, allowing visitors to push a button to start the fun, with the water shutting off automatically after a set time. This design not only conserves water but also ensures that the splash pad is always ready for play whenever families visit.

However, there have been watering restrictions in recent years for those using the city water system, and when asked how the splash pad would operate during watering bans, Hale states, “We will not be able to run during a ban. The city is working on expanding the water plant’s capacity, but until they get that done, it will be an issue.”

In addition to the splash pad, the park will see other improvements, including new seating areas and shaded spots for parents to relax while their children play. These enhancements aim to make North Riverfront Park a more enjoyable destination for the entire community.

While the wait may seem long, the anticipation will make the splash pad’s opening all the sweeter. By summer 2025, the children of Lowell will have a new place to splash and play, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the grand opening of Lowell’s new splash pad. The journey may have had its adjustments, but the destination promises to be well worth the wait.

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