2023 City Council Candidate Q&A: Why Should Residents of Lowell Vote for You?

Each week leading up to the 2023 Lowell City Council election, we are featuring a different question posed to candidates. These questions were selected to allow candidates the opportunity to speak directly to voters as well as address issues on the minds of many residents. Candidate answers have not been edited in any way and are published exactly as provided. This week’s question is:

Why should residents of Lowell vote for you to represent them on Lowell City Council?

Eric Bartkus

I am passionate about representing the best interests of our citizens. My goal is to be open-minded and unbiased (my Promise #1). I will request and listen to all points of view before making decisions. I own and manage two businesses in the city and volunteer on the Downtown Development Authority Board. I am committed to the continued success of Lowell. My engineering background is well suited for carefully studying our challenges and working towards solutions. My articles at ericbartkus.com hopefully explain my 21 Promises to work hard for you. I ask for your vote in November.

Jake Davenport

I hope that when people look at me, they see someone who is determined, who doesn’t give up, and will always work with resolve to overcome challenges. Why am I doing this a 4th time? I love Lowell. It’s my home. I want us to be a community and a people that does amazing things, overcomes challenges and to see us be the best we can possibly be. I hope that people see me as a fighter and someone who will passionately and persistently advocate for them so that they can reach their fullest potential and lead them to a brighter future. I may not have an answer to every question or every problem, but I will work until the question does have an answer and until a problem is solved. I want Lowell to be a city with a bright future, and not a legacy city. We can do anything we set our minds to when we work hard and work together. We did it during the 2013 flood, we did it during Covid, we do it every year for pink arrow. I believe in Lowell, because I believe in you the people of Lowell. I ask for your consideration on November 7th, and I hope to earn your support, but more importantly, your trust. The more we all can connect and work together, the more we can solve problems.

Mike DeVore

I love it here. I love serving the community. I’ve proudly represented this city for the past 8 years. We’ve made big changes. We rise to the occasion. I take pride in my accomplishments and I look forward to continuing to serve as long as you’ll have me. I also continue to try and gain knowledge and experience to better serve. I have graduated level 2 of the Elected Officials Academy. It is a learning and continuing education program put on all over the state through the Michigan Municipal League. I am extremely proud of that and I hope to see a level 3 graduation next fall. I am also very proud of the fight to protect the Washington St. (Scout property) parcel and keep the natural beauty of the space for generations to come by adding it to the park system in it’s entirety. I hope to receive the support on election day that will allow me to continue serving our community.

Jim Salzwedel

I have server on the council for 6 years and believe that I have served the citizen of Lowell to the best of my availability. I always come prepared, ask questions, and give my honest answers. If re-elected I look forward to serving the community.

Sharon Shah

I believe that my dedication, experience, and commitment to making our city a better place for all its residents make me a strong candidate for city council. I am eager to work collaboratively with the community to address our challenges and seize opportunities for growth and improvement. Your vote will allow me to be your voice and advocate for a brighter future for our city.

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