There was a crowd at King Milling Company last Wednesday as company executives cut the ribbon on their newest mill — dubbed the D-Mill. At a cost of $47 million, the mill represents the largest business investment ever in the City of Lowell.
Here’s a look back at the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
The event drew a diverse crowd including business executives, government representatives, local leaders and King Milling employees.
Liam’s Be Cafe had a table set up to serve coffee…
…and Sprinkles Donut Shop, which uses King Milling flour, had a spread of donuts and muffins for those in attendance.

Shortly after 10am, Brian Doyle asked everyone to take a seat and began the ceremony. The company chairman and CEO shared that the mill – described as the most modern in the country — increases the company’s flour production to 2.5 million pounds per day. That’s enough to feed 7 million people daily.
Jim Doyle, the company president, spoke next. Five generations of the Doyle family have overseen King Milling Company, the oldest continually operating business in Kent County.
Other speakers included representatives of Senator Debbie Stabenow, Congressman Jon Moolenaar and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Lowell City Manager Mike Burns also spoke and said a 12-year tax abatement from the city to facilitate the expansion was a “no-brainer” given the company’s long history and positive economic impact on the community.
In addition to the abatement, King Milling received a $250,000 grant from the state for the expansion.

Then, it was time to cut the ribbon on the D-Mill, and all in attendance were invited to take a tour…provided they follow health and safety standards such as removing jewelry and donning hair and beard nets.

Inside the mill, the machinery gleamed. One tour participant described it as: “like space technology – bright white, spotless equipment and tubes going everywhere!”
Back outside, company executives talked to the media.
And everyone was invited to take a bag of flour home with them.
There were also tea towels to mark the occasion.
King Flour is mainly used by commercial bakeries and food manufacturers, but if you’d like to buy it yourself, bulk bags are often available at Red Barn Market on Alden Nash Ave NE, near Murray Lake.
That’s cool. I can remember bringing my class to the company on a tour way back in the 70s.